Modern Marketing

Densi Refwalu

Modern Marketing expert, Densi Refwalu consults on technology. Densi is the Country Marketing and Comms Lead at IBM Indonesia.

Modern Marketing

Modern Marketing brings your marketing up to date to deliver clear results, utulising the latest channels. The understanding of new digitial marketing tools and techniques is essential for the future succcess of your business. Modern Marketing Consultant Densi Refwalu has the experience to make your organisation modernize your marketing teams approach to Digital Markeitng and secure a much better return on investment.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is at the center of Modern Marketing, using the Internet to connect with your future customers. In an ever-more connected world, it is imperative to take your brand to where they are. Across applications, web resources, search engines and social media, Densi Refwalu can help you to get your brand where it will be recongised and loved.

Social Media

Social Media connects billions of people to their communities, friends and family. Connecting your brand with your clients on Social Media is an essential aspect of Modern Marketing. This cn be done with paid placements or orgnaically.

Paid Social Media

Paid Social Media allows your company to be seen for a fee. For short term, time-sensitive campaigns, paid social media gets your brand where it needs to be quickly.

Organic Social Media

Organic Social Media provices a great return then Paid Social media but takes time to create. A loyal following on social media can give you the abilitiy to get the message out about new products without any direct costs. Organic Social Media is long lasting and highly effective.


Marketing Technology (or martech) provides for the automation and measurability of Modern Marketing. Connecting marketing campign results to your ERP system gives you realtime insights into your marketing spend and the abiltiy to make decisions quickly.


Indonesia has the largest economy in South East Asia with a population of 276 million and a GDP of $1.3 Trillion. The social media footprint of Indonesia is equivalent to 69% of the population in 2023, or 190 Million people. As an emerging market with excellent opportunities, Indonesia provides a prime location for Modern Marketing.


Lets get in touch. Send me a message:

Jakarta, Indonesia
